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Artículos sobre Jeff Bezos

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 73 artículos

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda French Gates, gave their foundation $15 billion right before their divorce became final. Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty ImagesLudovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images

The 50 biggest US donors gave or pledged nearly $28 billion in 2021 – Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates account for $15 billion of that total

Three scholars weigh in regarding the priorities of these wealthy American donors, who gave less to social service and racial justice groups than in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grand ideas of extraterrestrial colonisation are hardly new. In the 1940s, the nascent Space Age set in motion calls for a new wave of colonisation – directed outwards into space. from

The Solar System belongs to us all – not just Jeff Bezos

Humanity as a whole owns the Solar System in a shared fashion. It cannot be claimed by one person, or one country, or one company.
Both Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson successfully rode to space on rockets made by their private companies Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, respectively. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

Space travel for billionaires is the surprise topic with bipartisan American support – but not from Gen Z

According to a new poll, people across political and demographic lines think the private space race is good for the future but still just an ego trip for the billionaires involved.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, right, watches a video playback of his flight with his new space tourism company from the spaceport near Van Horn, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Want to fix financial literacy? Focus on billionaires squandering their wealth, not school curriculum

Teaching kids better budgeting won’t fix post-pandemic inequalities. A more robust social safety net, less hoarding and squandering of wealth and more equitable tax policies might.

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