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Artículos sobre Bitcoin

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 258 artículos

Today’s advertising executives must get familiar with new technology like Bitcoin and blockchain before they are left behind. Hannah Mckay/Reuters

The blockchain could help advertisers lock up our attention

The blockchain isn’t just for Bitcoin transactions. Advertisers can no longer ignore blockchain’s huge implications for the world of marketing.
The physicality of gold is both a plus and a minus. AAP/Laurent Gillieron

Why ‘digital gold’ won’t ever kill off the real thing

New financial innovations and products are constantly being touted as the safe haven of the future. But physical gold has properties that will cause it to stick around.
ASX took a wrong bet with Blockchain.

What next for the ASX and Blockchain in 2017?

What a difference a year makes. In January 2016, ASX was bathing in the warm glow of having been acclaimed by Blythe Masters, an American super saleswoman and head of a Blockchain start-up called Digital…
Try to make this the only time you see a ransomware warning notice. Christiaan Colen/flickr

It’s easier to defend against ransomware than you might think

Ransomware – which encrypts your files and offers to sell you the key – operates differently from other malicious software. Those differences turn out to give potential victims a fighting chance.
The technology that drives Bitcoin enables almost riskless storage and transfer of value and data. Image sourced from

Don’t blame Bitcoin for the madness of men

It’s just a matter of time before Bitcoin secures legitimacy as a currency.

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