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Artículos sobre Bitcoin

Mostrando 141 - 160 de 258 artículos

What’s this digital token good for, anyway? knipsdesign/

What is a blockchain token?

Tokens, the next stage in the development of blockchain technologies, can help expand blockchains’ uses beyond simply exchanging money.
Bitcoins and benjamins: Which is the real currency? David McBee/Pexels

What is the real value of a bitcoin?

One of the hot questions regarding the bitcoin since the first ones were created in 2009 is its real value. We will try as well to answer to this question using two concepts in economics and finance.
Wikipedia depends on the collaborative effort of volunteer writers to add information, bypassing trusted authorities. Shutterstock

What Wikipedia can teach us about blockchain technology

The technology behind blockchain remains a mystery to many, but the it shares many common features with the popular online encyclopedia with which most web users are very familiar.
Sweden is studying the possibility of an “e-krona”, an electronic form of the country’s currency. Shutterstock

Central-bank digital currencies: toward a cashless society?

With countries such as China and Sweden are studying plans to create a new form of money – a central-bank digital currency. CBDCs risk revolutionizing both the way money is created and distributed.
Blockchain technology has turned conventional thinking about intellectual property and copyright on its head. from

Why blockchain challenges conventional thinking about intellectual property

Blockchain technology is flourishing in an open-source environment, which raises the question of whether current intellectual property laws are the best tools to foster innovation.
Money is a crucial target for North Korea’s hacking efforts. rega rega/

North Korea’s growing criminal cyberthreat

North Korea’s cyber army is closely controlled by the ruling regime – a key difference from other countries’ cyberattack and espionage groups.
Hacks like the one on Coincheck expose gullible investors to risk, but it also means funds could be flowing undetected into the hands of money launderers and terrorists.

What the Coincheck hack tells us about how Australian regulators will handle a cryptocurrency hack

Australian regulators face similar problems as their Australian counterparts in getting cryptocurrency platforms to regulate and prosecuting them when things go wrong.

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