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Artículos sobre Blockchain

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 201 artículos

More cryptocurrencies appear all the time. Wit Olszewski/

Are cryptocurrencies a dream come true for cyber-extortionists?

Cybercriminals increasingly depend on e-currencies to profit from their misdeeds. They, and their potential victims, could be driving some of the growth in cryptocurrency markets.
Voice authentication technology could be used to increase blockchain security. Merrill College of Journalism/flickr

The blockchain could have better security than the banks

Providing security in the blockchain would convert into a degree of predictability in the technology. If this was shown to work in the long term, it would also create trust.
Cryptocurrencies are still the only usecase for the blockchain. Shutterstock

What’s holding up the blockchain?

The blockchain has been successful when it comes to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but we haven’t yet figured out other uses.
Many bitcoins equals a heavy environmental burden. Flickr

The bitcoin and blockchain: energy hogs

The digital world is taking more and more space in our lives… and dramatically increasing electrical use. It’s a serious problem given the urgent need fight climate change.
No need for a bank: Just a smartphone and a blockchain. Houman Haddad/UN World Food Program

Can blockchain technology help poor people around the world?

Already becoming a darling of Wall Street, blockchain technology’s biggest real benefits could come to the world’s poorest people. Here’s how.
A blockchain’s ability to move assets from one owner to another allows less dependence on intermediaries.

How the blockchain will transform housing markets

There are many hidden costs and inefficiencies in housing markets. Blockchain is poised to transform that.
Today’s advertising executives must get familiar with new technology like Bitcoin and blockchain before they are left behind. Hannah Mckay/Reuters

The blockchain could help advertisers lock up our attention

The blockchain isn’t just for Bitcoin transactions. Advertisers can no longer ignore blockchain’s huge implications for the world of marketing.
It’s too soon to say what advantages there are to issuing government bonds using blockchain technology.

CBA’s test of government bond using the blockchain, is just that

Despite a media statement announcing that Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) and Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) have created the first government bond using the blockchain (dubbed the “cryptobond…
It might be too soon to say that smart contracts will do away with lawyers all together.

Smart contracts – smart or dumb?

Consider, for a moment, these two statements from the “Ultimate Guide to Understanding Blockchain Smart Contracts” on a well known Blockchain website: 1) Traditional Contracts “Traditional physical contracts…
ASX took a wrong bet with Blockchain.

What next for the ASX and Blockchain in 2017?

What a difference a year makes. In January 2016, ASX was bathing in the warm glow of having been acclaimed by Blythe Masters, an American super saleswoman and head of a Blockchain start-up called Digital…
Blockchain can’t solve every problem in the finance industry.

Blockchain – not fit for financial markets

For a discipline that is supposedly rational, finance has had its fair share of irrational crazes. For example, the dotcom bubble and the collateralized debt obligation craze that led to the global financial…
Blockchain looms as the second generation of the internet by transforming it from an internet of information to an internet of value. Sergey Nivens from

How blockchain will transform our cities

If you think the internet has changed your life, brace yourself for the next digital innovation that’s set to transform our world.

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