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Artículos sobre Cavities

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Your teeth will be better off if you refrain from chomping on ice cubes. Credit: Laurence Monneret/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Is chewing on ice cubes bad for your teeth?

A dentist explains why this is a habit worth breaking – no matter the cause or the strength of your cravings to keep doing it.
The health of your teeth has a major effect on your body. Rudy Fargo/Unsplash

The truth about tooth decay

Cavity-free teeth depend on many factors, and heredity may not be the most important.
Experts have voiced concerns about the uptake of a recent Canadian study, in which water fluoridation was associated with slightly lower IQs in children. (Shutterstock)

Does water fluoridation really damage your children’s IQ?

Community water fluoridation is a cost-effective public health measure that can reduce cavities by approximately 25 per cent. Yet some communities are worried about it.
Teeth cleaning at the dentist can remove plaque that regular brushing and flossing can’t. From

How often should I get my teeth cleaned?

Do you really need a dental clean every six months? Most healthy people will probably be OK if they go anually. But some people are at higher risk of cavities or gum disease, and should go more often.

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