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Artículos sobre Chief Executive Officer

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Monterey Mushrooms, an agricultural employer in California, teamed up with its union and the local county to get its workers vaccinated. AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

3 ways employers could help fight vaccine skepticism

Surveys suggest people trust companies more than government and the media, showing they have an important role in helping end the pandemic.
Trump poses with his brain trust. Mark Lennihan/AP Photo

White House in turmoil shows why Trump’s no CEO

He campaigned on the notion that his business experience would equip him to ‘make America great again,’ but running a family company is poor training for the presidency.
The importance of data and “just-in-time” decision-making may mean the background of CEOs could change. Image sourced from

Is CIO the new route to chief executive’s suite?

Finance backgrounds have traditionally been the preferred skills for an aspiring chief executive. But in the age of Big Data, that may be changing.
Sixties style - Mad Men characters Roger Sterling and Don Draper still show men how it’s done in business and politics. AAP

Men at the helm – mad, bad and dangerous to know

Labor may have “ditched the witch”, but does the ejection of Julia Gillard from her seat of power close the book on the debate about sexism that she championed and the role of women in leadership? Our…

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