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Artículos sobre Clean energy

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 165 artículos

Joe Biden speaks about climate change and wildfires affecting western states on Sept. 14, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

What Joe Biden’s climate plan means for Canada

Biden’s strong climate change position doesn’t appear to have hurt him in the key swing state of Pennsylvania or in the general election more broadly. Here’s what it means for Canada.
Fishermen on the shore by decommissioned oil rigs in Port Aransas, Texas (March 11, 2019). Loren Elliott/AFP

Fact check US: Would Joe Biden’s energy plan really cause the loss of 10.3 million jobs in the oil and gas industry?

Republicans claim that Biden’s clean-energy program would mean massive job losses in the oil-and-gas sector. The figures cited are not supported by the facts.
Molina speaking about climate change at the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico, Nov. 2018. Leonardo Alvarez/Getty Images

Remembering Mario Molina, Nobel Prize-winning chemist who pushed Mexico on clean energy – and, recently, face masks

Molina, who died on Oct. 8, ‘thought climate change was the biggest problem in the world long before most people did.’ His research on man-made depletion of the ozone layer won the 1995 Nobel Prize.
People have been rediscovering nature during the pandemic, but it’s not just good for public heath. Conservation also creates jobs. Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

Conservation could create jobs post-pandemic

The Trump administration is rolling back environmental regulations, claiming it’s good for the economy. But research shows that conservation is better both for public health and for job creation.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese will make a “vision statement” on Tuesday, where he will emphasise manufacturing job opportunities flowing from the renewables expansion. AAP/Paul Miller

Low carbon economy can spur Australian “manufacturing boom”: Albanese

Labor leader Anthony Albanese will emphasise his party’s pro-business stance in a speech on Tuesday, departing from Bill Shorten’s criticism of the “top end of town”.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) and Energy Minister Angus Taylor at Snowy Hydro Scheme. The Grattan Institute says the government should better encourage investment rather than build electricity infrastructure. LUKAS COCH/AAP

Governments took the hard road on clean energy – and consumers are feeling the bumps

Australia’s entire coal fleet will retire in the next few decades. The federal government’s response to the Hazelwood coal plant closure has left a mess – it must do better.
Sunrise at Beachmere, Queensland. Mark Wasser/Flickr

A shot of hope in the face of climate despair

We’ve spent years publishing smart, practical research on real climate solutions. Now it’s time to put it all into practice.
Assembling capacitors for electric automobiles at SBE, Inc. in Barre, Vermont, July 16, 2010. SBE received a $9 million stimulus grant to build electric drive components. AP Photo/Toby Talbot

What Green New Deal advocates can learn from the 2009 economic stimulus act

An Obama administration veteran offers some insights from his experience about driving massive increases in clean energy.

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