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Artículos sobre Climate Explained

Mostrando 41 - 59 de 59 artículos

The best way to compare emissions from electric cars is to assess all phases of a life cycle analysis. from

Climate explained: the environmental footprint of electric versus fossil cars

In New Zealand, where more than 80% of electricity is renewable, the carbon footprint of electric cars is 62% lower than that of fossil cars. But their lithium battery has other environmental impacts.
Even people who accept the science of climate change sometimes resist it because it clashes with their personal projects. from

Climate explained: why some people still think climate change isn’t real

People are more likely to deny climate change if they’re inclined toward hierarchy, have lower levels of education or are more religious. But the strongest predictor of denial is a person’s politics.
Eating less meat is one change many of us can make to reduce our contribution to climate change. from

Climate explained: what each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint

Individual actions to reduce emissions are important in two ways. First, they have an immediate impact, and secondly, adopting low-carbon life choices sends a clear message to political leaders.
Research into low-carbon planes is underway, but we won’t see electric long-haul flights any time soon. DENIS BALIBOUSE / POOL

Climate explained: why don’t we have electric aircraft?

Unlike a car, you can’t just stick a battery-powered engine in a plane and expect it to fly. Despite that, small planes might be the future of electric flight.
Since the industrial revolution began in the mid-1700s, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have gone up by 46%. from

Climate explained: why we won’t be heading into an ice age any time soon

For the past two and a half million years, Earth has experienced regular ice ages, but with carbon dioxide levels now over 400 parts per million, the next ice age is postponed for a very long time.
While hemp does not sequester as much carbon dioxide as trees, it can be used as an efficient energy crop or in concrete, both with a potentially positive carbon sequestration effect. from

Climate explained: how different crops or trees help strip carbon dioxide from the air

Planting any tree is more important than planting a particular tree when it comes to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions forces us to face at least some of the environmental cost of what we produce and consume. from

Climate explained: how emissions trading schemes work and they can help us shift to a zero carbon future

Traditional market transactions ignore the costs of greenhouse gas emissions. An emissions trading scheme is a tool to put a price on emissions and to influence us to choose lower-emission options.
Climate change, together with other ecological pressures, may well undo the gains we have made in health. from

Climate explained: will we be less healthy because of climate change?

Do you have a question about climate change? This collaboration between The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre gives you the chance to ask – and we’ll provide expert answers.

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