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Artículos sobre climate risk

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 60 artículos

Hurricane Sandy, a storm with huge economic costs, bears down on New York in 2012. Jeffrey Furticella/AP Images

Managing climate risk in Trump’s America

Climate change isn’t just an environmental problem. It is one of the fundamental economic challenges of this century.
Should a future parent consider the impact more people will have on the Earth? child via

Bioethicist: The climate crisis calls for fewer children

A philosopher of ‘procreation ethics’ at the center of a controversy over having kids explains why we can’t ignore the population question in an era of climate change.
Climate change will affect defence personnel themselves, as well as the kind of situations they find themselves deployed in. AAP Image/Australian Department of Defence, Corporal Ricky Fuller

Political warfare on climate could leave national security at risk

Nations such as the United States have treated climate change as a major security threat for years. The Australian government’s forthcoming Defence White Paper cannot afford to ignore the issue.
Only a small portion of Porto Novo, Benin, is built-up. The city is taking steps to combat climate change. Anton Ivanov/Shutterstock

Porto Novo: an African city taking action against climate change

Porto Novo in Benin, Rouen in France and Da Nang in Vietnam are taking steps to mitigate the harsh effects of climate change, which will hit them hard if they don’t.
The University of Sydney is hoping to chart a path to climate-safe investment. University of Sydney

Universities are (slowly) feeling their way forward on divestment

Another Australian university has outlined plans to reduce the exposure of its investments to climate change, and is taking a contrasting approach to the Australian National University’s high-profile divestment…
Poorer people are more vulnerable to the impact of extreme weather events. Pictured: the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan. DFID - UK Department for International Development/Flickr

Climate change will widen the social and health gap

Climate projections suggest that, thanks to human activity, we will likely see an increase in extreme weather events, disruptions to agriculture, loss of livelihoods and displacement of people. While everyone…
Could politicians and scientists in the future be charged with “climate negligence”? Julie G/Flickr

Will the climate debate end up being fought in court?

Society generally has a clear idea of what constitutes a crime, and those in positions of power are usually held to very high standards. Politicians charged with making decisions on the needs of society…
Coasts are at risk from rising seas, but that risk could be alleviated by coastal ecosystems such as mangroves. Sheep"R"Us/Flickr

How wetlands can help us adapt to rising seas

Instead of costly levees and seawalls, coastal ecosystems could offer an alternative way to protect Australia’s coastal communities from rising seas, saving money and storing carbon along the way. Sea…
We know what’s in store – now it’s time to do something about it. AAP

The IPCC has spelled out the risks – now what do we do?

Despite the mounting evidence, there are still some who would deny the veracity of human-caused climate change and its potential to disrupt and harm our communities. Most dissenters rely on non-expert…
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim warns investors not to ignore climate risks. EPA/Chris Kleponis

Fossil fuel campaigners win support from unexpected places

If you haven’t heard about the growing campaign for fossil fuel divestment, and what it means for both your retirement funds and for the global economy, it’s time to pay attention - because now even the…

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