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Artículos sobre Coal

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 527 artículos

Reducing fine particle air pollution from petrochemical complexes, like this one near the Houston Ship Channel in Texas, is a low-cost way to lower air pollution mortality. AP Photo/David J. Phillip

Air pollution kills thousands of Americans every year – here’s a low-cost strategy to reduce the toll

A new study takes an innovative approach to reducing fine particle air pollution and spotlights key sources: factories that burn coal and oil, petrochemical plants and burning wood for home heating.
Few people would have predicted in 2010 that by the end of the decade, electricity generation from renewables would outpace nuclear. J Davidson/Shutterstock

Britain’s electricity since 2010: wind surges to second place, coal collapses and fossil fuel use nearly halves

Britain greets a new decade with substantially cleaner electricity, but challenges lie ahead to decarbonise its transport and heating.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese, pictured at a cabinet meeting this month, says coal has a future under the renewables expansion. Richard Wainwright/AAP

Labor’s reset on climate and jobs is a political mirage

On the issue of a retreat from coal, Albanese is trying to walk both sides of the highway by wandering down the middle.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese will make a “vision statement” on Tuesday, where he will emphasise manufacturing job opportunities flowing from the renewables expansion. AAP/Paul Miller

Low carbon economy can spur Australian “manufacturing boom”: Albanese

Labor leader Anthony Albanese will emphasise his party’s pro-business stance in a speech on Tuesday, departing from Bill Shorten’s criticism of the “top end of town”.

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