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Artículos sobre Cultural heritage

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 101 artículos

There are some simple principles that would strengthen Aboriginal heritage protection. Monkey Mia, Shark Bay in Western Australia. Grant Matthews

Four ways Western Australia can improve Aboriginal heritage management

Aboriginal heritage has had significant protections removed in Western Australia. Following principles of respect and consultation would be a huge step forward for Aboriginal cultural management.
Culture hardly rates a mention in the current Intergenerational Report, or those that preceded it. Mark Roy

Speaking of future generations … let’s not forget culture

Culture is barely mentioned in the latest Intergenerational Report – as was the case with the three preceding it. But we need strong policies to support cultural heritage, and we need them urgently.
In September, Tony Abbott returned two antique statues to India in the presence of his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi. EPA/ Government of India

Stolen cultural objects: what’s the role of Australian galleries?

Last week, The Australian reported that 49 artworks had been identified by the Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA) with gaps in their ownership history that could signal they were stolen. Asian antiquities…
The median year of composition of an opera performance at the Met in New York is around 1870. EPA/Justin Lane

Heritage performing arts and the case for funding

Last month it was reported that the 161-year-old Royal Melbourne Philharmonic (RMP) choir and orchestra has lost its annual grant from the Melbourne City Council and may also lose State Government support…
Cathy Freeman’s racial background is Chinese, English and Aboriginal. AAP/ Dean Lewins

Culture, not colour, is the heart of Aboriginal identity

All too often the matter of Australian Aboriginal identity is decided superficially – by looking at a person’s face and general appearance. Colour is often the measure of Aboriginality, since the original…
The Amis are fighting to safeguard what remains of their own heritage.* Alistair Noble

Tourism over tradition in Taiwan – how to be a culture vulture abroad

How do we move beyond being a cultural tourist to having some deeper level of understanding of what local festivals mean to the people involved? That question has been on my mind of late. Just before midnight…
This isn’t trademar-geddon but the Redskins trademark cancellation is going to have serious long-term effects. EPA/ Larry W. Smith

Washington Redskins trademark is lost, but not the game … yet

On Wednesday the US Patent and Trademark Office cancelled the US trademark registration for the Washington Redskins football team. This is a big victory for Native American groups, and an important development…
Damaged Shiite Mosque outside Samarra, Iraq, 2006. Khalid Mohammed/AP

British government thwarts modern day Monuments Men

We study the past to understand the present and to help shape the future. A society without a memory is a dysfunctional society. And much of a society’s memory is encapsulated within its cultural property…

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