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Artículos sobre Food security

Mostrando 461 - 467 de 467 artículos

Climate change crimps crop output: study

Climate change has caused global corn and wheat production to drop between 3% and 5% over the last 30 years, a new study has found. Customers have paid the price, with the cost of food rising 6% since…
We need to preserve and conserve our soils to protect our food supply. NateLove on Flickr

Soil: it’s what keeps us clothed and fed

FOOD SECURITY - Soils can help us solve two of the most pressing problems of the coming decades: climate change and food shortage. There is more fresh water in the world’s soils than in all its lakes and…
We must innovate to avoid a food crisis. AAP

To feed the world, farming emissions must rise

FOOD SECURITY - Agriculture is one of the few industries in the world in which emissions must rise. The carbon footprint of farming will become larger over the next 40 years as we feed a rapidly growing…
The world’s population will be 9 billion by 2100. How will we feed ourselves? Herry Lawford/Wikimedia Commons

Time to modify the GM debate

FOOD SECURITY - Here’s how things stand. More than 500 million farmers produce crops and livestock that can feed nearly 7 billion people, and yet 1 billion still go hungry. It’s estimated that the world’s…

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