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Artículos sobre Hardware

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The Morpheus secure processor works like a puzzle that keeps changing before hackers have a chance to solve it. Alan de la Cruz via Unsplash

Shape-shifting computer chip thwarts an army of hackers

Most computer security focuses on software, but computer processors are vulnerable to hackers, too. An experimental secure processor changes its underlying structure before hackers can figure it out.
Artificial intelligence requires machines, processing power and energy consumption, among other things. Often, we’re unaware of the presence of this infrastructure around us. (Shutterstock)

Hidden in plain sight: The infrastructures that support artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is supported by an infrastructure of hardware and software that is growing increasingly present in our lives, yet remains hidden in plain view.
The Large Hadron Collider is playing a key role in enabling the collection of big data. Supplied

The big data challenge and how Africa can benefit

Big data is about processing large amounts of data. It is often associated with multiplicities of data. But the ability to generate data outpaces the ability to store it.

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