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Artículos sobre Health workforce

Mostrando 81 - 87 de 87 artículos

Quality and safety in childbirth should not be equated with obstetric care. AAP

Is ‘tribal’ obstetric culture endangering mothers and babies?

How we are born, who supports mothers and the quality of the care provided during birth are vital to good public health and personal well being. But all is not well in modern birthing in spite of the advances…
Do people want to see a doctor when they are sick or injured?

For better or worse – is a doctor the only solution?

In collaboration with The Drum, The Conversation is giving statements made by public figures the fine-tooth-comb treatment they deserve. Today, healthcare: “When people get sick or injured or want advice…
Any health practitioner can be the first port of call for a patient. AAP

A cure for our chronic lack of healthcare choice

“When people get sick or injured or want advice about their health, they want to see a doctor,” Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President. Patients may want to see a doctor but they don’t necessarily want to join…
Pharmacists should be able to prescribe and dispense some medicines. AAP

Pharmacists under-prescribed in sickly health system

“When people get sick or injured or want advice about their health, they want to see a doctor,” Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President. When people feel sick, have a rash or need advice about an ailment, pharmacists…
Seeing a nurse practitioner for plasters and stitches can cut waiting times. Daniel Paquet

Hello nurse practitioners, goodbye long waits in emergency

“When people get sick or injured or want advice about their health, they want to see a doctor,” Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President. At one time, when people got sick, injured or wanted advice about their health…
Keeping a journal or confiding in a friend can help overcome emotional issues.

You can work it out: shrinks aren’t always the best option

“When people get sick or injured or want advice about their health, they want to see a doctor” Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President. As a child psychiatrist, I work with general practitioners to enhance the…
The demand for medical services is putting pressure on the budget. AAP

Doctor’s fee-for-service doesn’t mean price is right

“When people get sick or injured or want advice about their health, they want to see a doctor,” Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President. The statement by Dr Pesce implies that citizens know what they want and will…

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