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Artículos sobre Higgs boson

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 41 artículos

A 3D artist has dissected the LHC in this composite image, showing a cut-out section of a superconducting dipole magnet. The beam pipes are represented as clear tubes, with counter-rotating proton beams shown in red and blue. Daniel Dominguez/CERN

The LHC is back and it’s ready to probe the limits of matter

The Large Hadron Collider is ramping up to probe even deeper into the fundamental constituents of matter.
And then it falls apart, a bit like this. brookhavenlab

Quirky quark combination creates exotic new particle

Since the spectacular discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the gigantic particle accelerator outside Geneva, have suffered a bit of a drought when it comes…
We knew the HIggs boson decayed into bosons; now we’ve seen it crumble into fermions. ATLAS

Higgs boson’s decay confirms physics model works

Last week, the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, showed evidence for the first time that a Higgs boson decays into a pair of tau particles. It is one of the crucial results…
Only physics can burn a hole through the sky. European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Beyond the Higgs boson: five reasons physics is still interesting

Would physics be “far more interesting” if the Higgs boson had not been found? Stephen Hawking thinks so. He made this bold claim, possibly with his tongue slightly in his cheek, at the opening of a new…
The two Nobel Prize laureates. Maximilien Brice/CERN

Nobel Prize in Physics goes to discovery of the Higgs boson

This time the pundits were right. The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics was indeed awarded to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Peter Higgs and François Englert shared the prize for suggesting the mechanism…
Spelling out the end? Claudia Marcelloni/CERN

Could the Higgs Nobel be the end of particle physics?

The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to François Englert and Peter Higgs for their work that explains why subatomic particles have mass. They predicted the existence of the Higgs boson, a fundamental…
The predictions of current particle physics have been spectacularly validated. Michael J. Linden

A Higgs, the Higgs … is maths at the root of reality?

So, the Higgs boson … Last week, researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) finally announced the new particle discovered last summer is indeed a Higgs boson, a particle predicted…
It’s now safe to drop the ‘like’ from Higgs-like particle.

Definitely, maybe: evidence grows for positive ID of Higgs boson

Physicists say they are now almost certain that the curious “Higgs-like particle” revealed last year at CERN is a Higgs boson. Data presented this week at the Rencontres de Moriond meeting in Italy – billed…
The Large Hadron Collider has temporarily shut down, but will return stronger than ever. CERN

Goodbye, for a while, to the Large Hadron Collider

The lord of the particle accelerator, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), went out of particle collision business for almost two years as of late last week. For particle physicists, Valentine’s Day 2013…
The Higgs boson is alive with the sound of music. rafeejewell

Higgs the musical: the sound of the ‘God particle’

The July 4 discovery of a particle that closely resembles the Higgs boson opens a new era in science: it should help us understand some fundamental mysteries, such as how microscopic particles attain their…
Results pertaining to the Higgs boson are “consistent with its existence”. jef safi

Higgs boson announcement – expert reaction

This expert reaction comes via the Australian Science Media Centre: CERN (the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) has this evening announced that the long-sought Higgs boson probably exists, after…
By smashing together particles at the highest energy readings ever recreated in a laboratory, the Large Hadron Collider, also known as the Big Bang machine, has helped scientists understand the nature of the universe. EPA/Martial Trezzini

Scientists say they have found a Higgs-like particle

Physicists this afternoon announced they have found evidence for a particle considered the biggest missing piece in the standard model of matter, in what is one of the most significant scientific developments…

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