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Artículos sobre Journalism

Mostrando 541 - 560 de 773 artículos

A typical community protest over the delivery of basic services in South Africa. A study shows protesters often resort to violence to attract attention. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Voices of the poor are missing from South Africa’s media

The advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994 is often hailed as peaceful and smooth. But, there are lingering problems. Dissent over unmet expectations has resulted in an increase in protests.
Sean Penn aspired to literary journalism, but failed to capture the world outside his own head. Reuniones Anuales GBM / FMI Lima 2015

What is literary journalism, and why did Sean Penn fail to carry it off?

Sean Penn’s interview with El Chapo hinges on a moral exploration of a man who lives in the public imagination as a super-villain. The story unravels because its voice does not enable moral insight.
Donald Trump has taken political ‘lies’ to a new level during his campaign for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Reuters/Evan Semon

How journalists can start winning the battle against politicians’ lies

If journalism is supposed to be a force for truth, accountability and enlightenment in the political process, then it appears to be failing on the biggest of stages.
Miners pray during the one-year anniversary commemoration of the killings of 34 striking miners by police outside Lonmin’s Marikana platinum mine. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Marikana massacre: how South African journalism failed the test

The reporting of the Marikana massacre was characterised by embedded journalism, sensationalism and polarisation of views. The media became a loudspeaker for powerful political and economic interests.
Gough Whitlam speaks on the steps of parliament on November 11, 1975, surrounded by radio reporters’ microphones. Screenshot

The story behind the footage of Whitlam’s ‘Kerr’s cur’ speech

The way in which Bob Wilesmith’s footage has come to dominate Australians’ recollection of The Dismissal is a story of prescience, luck and the limitations of the TV news technology of the day.
Journalists Thami Mazwai, left, and Jon Qwelane before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s special hearing on the media. They accused the white-owned press of colluding with apartheid. Reuters

Media feel pressure as divisions widen on the role of journalists in South Africa

South Africa seems more divided than ever on the media, as the governing ANC revives plans for a dreaded tribunal many fear would muzzle the press.

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