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Artículos sobre Opinion

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Opinion journalism can rile people up – or it can bring them together. momentimages/Getty Images

Local newspapers can help reduce polarization with opinion pages that focus on local issues

The best op-ed pages operate like a town square, allowing readers to discuss and debate issues important to their communities and beyond. But many now focus on divisive national political issues.
When science and anecdote share a podium, you must decide how to value each. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Conservatives value personal stories more than liberals do when evaluating scientific evidence

How much weight would you put on a scientist’s expertise versus the opinion of a random stranger? People on either end of the political spectrum decide differently what seems true.
On 10 July 2017 ABC News recorded a significant increase in the number of tweets sharing its articles. Dan Peled/AAP

ABC News’ long-form journalism pays off on Twitter

ABC News’ investment in long-form journalism is generating strong take-up on Twitter.
The message over the doorway to London’s Kirkaldy Testing Museum. But don’t be too quick to believe the facts and dismiss the opinions. Flickr/Kevo Thomson

Facts are not always more important than opinions: here’s why

When it comes to facts versus opinions, just remember that not all facts have been true, and not all opinions should be dismissed either.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fields questions from reporters in Dover, New Hampshire. Brian Snyder/Reuters

When covering elections, journalists face a debilitating dilemma

A partisan media landscape has made it almost impossible for journalists to avoid charges of bias when calling out a candidate’s dishonesty.
Cameron bonding with Barroso would make scientists happy. Dominic Lipinski/PA

Britain should stay in the EU … for science

At a time of much business debate around whether the UK should remain in the European Union (EU), there is one critical area being overlooked regarding the relationship – science. With a growing appreciation…
The ABC’s popular Q And A show revolves around opinion. But not all opinions are of equal value. ABC TV

No, you’re not entitled to your opinion

Every year, I try to do at least two things with my students at least once. First, I make a point of addressing them as “philosophers” – a bit cheesy, but hopefully it encourages active learning. Secondly…

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