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Artículos sobre Power grid

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 83 artículos

Hazelwood power station worker Trevor Birkbeck stands on a property near the power station in Victoria, 2011. David Crosling/AAP

Hazelwood’s closure calls for a rethink on Latrobe Valley solutions

Past attempts to help Latrobe Valley workers weather economic changes haven’t made a difference, so the closure of Hazelwood presents a challenge.
Can Kangaroo Island’s pioneering spirit be harnessed in the push for renewable energy? Dider B/Wikimedia Commons

Kangaroo Island’s choice: a new cable to the mainland, or renewable power

Kangaroo Island’s electricity link to the mainland needs replacing. But a new analysis shows that for roughly the same price, the island could move to independent, local renewable energy sources.
Thinking of going solar? Prices are approaching the cost of grid electricity, but only in some places – so far. joncallas/flickr

When will rooftop solar be cheaper than the grid? Here’s a map

When will residential solar be cheaper than the cost of power from the grid? This point of ‘grid parity’ is a moving target but moving closer in a number of places.
The Supreme Court will decide a case that will have a big effect on distributed energy technology, including batteries. Tesla

Will the Supreme Court kill the smart grid?

The Supreme Court hears a case that will decide whether homes and businesses can earn money from distributed energy technologies, including demand response and home battery systems.

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