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Artículos sobre Public opinion

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 131 artículos

Democrats and Republicans are equally less likely to support a drug treatment clinic if it’s in their neighborhood. Can Merey/picture alliance via Getty Images

How opioid treatment centers can overcome bipartisan NIMBYism to build local support

A Philadelphia neighborhood is pushing back against the city’s plan to expand an existing shelter to serve people in active addiction.
A recent survey shows that at least 70% of people in the U.S. believe the country is on the wrong track. Malte Mueller/ fStop/Getty Images

Talking to Americans reveals the diversity behind the shared opinion ‘the country is on the wrong track’

For at least 50 years, pollsters have been asking Americans whether they think their country is on the right or wrong track. That question may have outlived its usefulness.
Young voters in Ann Arbor, Mich., fill out applications to cast their ballot in the midterm elections in November 2022. Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images

Young people are lukewarm about Biden – and giving them more information doesn’t move the needle much

While young voters say they would be more likely to vote for Biden after they learn more about the economy and other topics, they did not appear affected by Donald Trump’s norm-defying behavior.
People line up to take part in a Canada Day citizenship ceremony before the start of a game between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox in Toronto on Canada Day, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

What’s behind the dramatic shift in Canadian public opinion about immigration levels?

The number of Canadians who believe there is too much immigration to Canada rose sharply in 2023. Why have public opinions changed so much in the last year?
The exterior of Shifa hospital in Gaza City is seen on Nov. 10, 2023, amid ongoing battles between Israel and Hamas near the facility. AFP via Getty Images

Hamas isn’t the first military group to hide behind civilians as a way to wage war

The Taliban and the Islamic State group are among the militant groups that have been known to use civilians as human shields in the past, in order to try to shift their opponents’ war calculations.
China provides billions of dollars in loans and direct investments to African nations each year. Oleksii Liskonih/iStock/Getty Images Plus

We asked 1,000 Zimbabweans what they think of China’s influence on their country − only 37% viewed it favorably

Politicians and scholars debate whether China’s economic investments in Africa benefit or exploit local populations. But what does the public think?

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