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Artículos sobre Public opinion

Mostrando 121 - 131 de 131 artículos

Stuck in transit: The Keystone Pipeline proposal has become a symbol for politicians and environmentalists. Shannon Ramos/Flickr

Despite rhetoric, climate change ranks low in public’s Keystone pipeline worries

Public opinion poll on Keystone pipeline shows more people are concerned with local issues – including the impact of spills on environment and aquifers – than with global warming.
Average Americans don’t view science issues the same way scientists do. Man image via

Scientists and public disagree, but let’s not get too excited

A new set of surveys of scientists and the public finds the two groups have widely different views about scientific issues. Conducted by the Pew Research Center in collaboration with the American Association…
Is anyone listening, and does it matter? Adrees Latif/Reuters

Can people power drive action on climate change?

Humans have so much influence over the global environment today that we have crossed a major threshold in Earth’s long history, entering a new stage in geological time which some scientists call the Anthropocene…
Just add water. Richard Craig

What does the public really think about homeopathy?

There is nothing more likely to raise the hackles of any self-respecting rationalist than to be confronted with the latest celebrity story about the miraculous healing power of homeopathy or some other…

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