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Artículos sobre Punishment

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 54 artículos

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Boot camps for young offenders are back – the psychological evidence they don’t work never went away

Evidence shows the links between punishment, discipline and behaviour change are weak at best. Good rehabilitation has a therapeutic focus – but this is less popular with politicians and the public.
Former President Donald Trump has said he may pardon recently convicted leaders of the Proud Boys. Here, Proud Boys members protest in Salem, Ore., on Jan. 8, 2022. Mathieu Lewis-Rolland / AFP via Getty Images

How pardoning extremists undermines the rule of law

The promise of pardons to offer criminal sanctuary likely undermines the rule of law and increases the risks of political violence.
Laws from different places and eras largely reflect a universal human sense of justice. simpson33/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Intuitions about justice are a consistent part of human nature across cultures and millennia

What people consider to be fair and just today are in line with the laws of ancient Mesopotamia and the Tang Dynasty in China – suggesting that these intuitions are part of human nature.
New research shows that Canadians who live in rural areas hold more punitive attitudes about crime and how to control it than their urban counterparts. (Pixabay)

Crime and punishment: Rural people are more punitive than city-dwellers

Those living in rural areas have more punitive attitudes toward crime and how to control it than city-dwellers, and it’s a major component of the growing urban-rural divide in Canada.

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