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Artículos sobre RBA

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 203 artículos

The Reserve Bank of Australia has cut interest rates to 1.75% as an election looms. Reuters/Tim Wimborne

RBA cuts rates to 1.75% ahead of federal budget

Fears of deflation have prompted the Reserve Bank of Australia to act on the eve of the federal budget.
Current conditions make for a wild ride for investors. Scott Ableman/Flickr

Vital Signs: expect more turmoil

Low inflation gives the RBA scope to cut rates in coming months but a lot will turn on whether we continue to see persistently weak GDP growth.
The superheated Sydney housing market has regulators, and the Reserve Bank, worried. Joel Carrett/AAP

Rates and housing risk: beware outsourcing policy to regulators

With rates on the way down the problem of runaway property investing has been left to the regulator APRA. But regulators should not be used as agents of short-term government policy.
The less surprised markets are on interest rate moves the better. Paul Miller/AAP

Quelle surprise? Why it’s good for markets to second-guess the RBA

Though markets had somewhat priced in an Australian interest rate cut yesterday, many analysts and commentators were still left surprised. The rate had not been cut for 18 months. Over that period commentary…
The drop in oil prices, and consequently fuel costs, is driving down inflation and helping the Australian economy. Andy Rain/EPA/AAP

Interest rates decision could boil down to oil: RBA Shadow Board

The CAMA RBA Shadow Board is a project by the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, based at the ANU, which asks industry and academic economists what interest rate the Reserve Bank of Australia should…
It’s been a steady-as-she-goes year for Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens. Alan Porritt/AAP

Rates tipped to stay on hold in final RBA decision for 2014

The CAMA RBA Shadow Board is a project by the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, based at the ANU, which asks industry and academic economists what interest rate the Reserve Bank of Australia should…
Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens is closely watching rising house prices. Dean Lewins/AAP

RBA’s holding pattern is likely to stay, for now

The CAMA RBA Shadow Board is a project by the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, based at the ANU, which asks industry and academic economists what interest rate the Reserve Bank of Australia should…
Should housing policy and tax reform be driven by pricey Sydney housing? Aaron Jacobs/Flickr

Housing bubble or not, negative gearing should stay

The perennial debate about negative gearing of residential property investments has been reignited yet again, by two reports in the past week. The International Monetary Fund has nominated taxes on housing…
Dealing with housing bubbles can get messy for central banks. Shutterstock

Home loan limits and buffers won’t stop a housing bubble

Australia’s central bank has formally flagged the use of macroprudential tools to address what it called “unbalanced” lending in its most recent Financial Stability Review. Loan-to-valuation ratio (LVR…
The Reserve Bank’s mandate is much broader than that of prudential regulator, APRA. ArchivesACT/Flickr

The case for the Reserve Bank to swallow APRA

One of the major recommendations made by the 1997 Wallis Inquiry into banking was to establish a prudential regulator for the financial sector separate from the Reserve Bank of Australia. The new regulator…

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