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Artículos sobre Stillbirth

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In this November 2019 photo, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, stands beside her husband at a Remembrance Day ceremony. She’s among high-profile women to go public with her miscarriage. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

The painful collision between work life and pregnancy loss

Employees who have suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth are more likely to quit their jobs and suffer from impaired work performance. Pregnancy loss is not just a personal issue, but a workplace issue.
Grandparents grieve for their child and their stillborn grandchild, a grief we need to acknowledge. from

When a baby is stillborn, grandparents are hit with ‘two lots of grief’. Here’s how we can help

The world’s first study of how grandmothers experience the death of their stillborn grandchild exposes a unique kind of grief. But there are many ways we can support them.
Up to half of stillbirths happen unexpectedly and a clear cause is never identified. from

Five ways to reduce the risk of stillbirth

A Senate Report has put forward 16 recommendations to reduce rates of stillbirth in Australia targeting a 20% reduction in the rate within three years. We can do this by focusing on five practices.
Our cultural discomfort with discussing any sort of loss means women are often met with a wall of silence. Hermes Rivera

The dos and don'ts of supporting women after a miscarriage

Cliched comments like “it wasn’t meant to be” or “don’t worry, you’ll get pregnant” are hurtful and dismissive. Instead, acknowledge their loss, listen and let them grieve.
Women protest outside a courtroom in San Salvador in 2017, demanding the government free women prisoners who are serving 30-year prison sentences for having an abortion. (AP Photo/Salvador Melendez)

The unspeakable cruelty of El Salvador’s abortion laws

Pregnant teens take their own lives, raped children are denied abortions and women who suffer stillbirth are imprisoned for 30 years – El Salvador’s torturous anti-abortion regime must end.
Millions of women around the world are estimated to be living with depressive symptoms after stillbirth. from

Five ways to help parents cope with the trauma of stillbirth

Stillbirth deeply and profoundly affects parents and families. Here are five actions in response to this hidden tragedy.
Research reveals two strategies women can use to lower the risks of stillbirth: counting kicks, and sleeping on their left side. (Shutterstock)

Sleeping on your back increases risks of stillbirth

Research suggests that sleeping on your back can increase the chances of stillbirth. Pregnant women need better access to such vital information.
Much health information emphasizes the role of personal responsibility in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. (Shutterstock)

Women pregnant after a loss need better support

After a miscarriage or stillbirth, pregnancy can involve intense fear and anxiety for many women. More sensitive health information could help.

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