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Artículos sobre tax policy

Mostrando 41 - 50 de 50 artículos

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says now is not the right time for corporate tax cuts. Lukas Coch/AAP

Budget company tax cut a hard sell politically

After a GST increase to finance big income tax cuts disappeared as a viable option for the May budget, attention centred on reducing the 30% company tax rate. But, assuming the government goes ahead with…
Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos outlines the case for a cut in the company tax rate. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Workers would benefit from lowering company tax: Sinodinos

Cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos has made a strong pitch for giving priority to a company tax cut in the coming budget as the best way to boost growth, with a significant flow on for workers.
Labor’s Chris Bowen and Bill Shorten announced plans for new tax rules, and the government, even as it attacked their plan, has also opened the door to changes to negative gearing. AAP/Gemma Najen

A first step on negative gearing, but not much more

The problem is there are already too many buyers willing to pay high prices, and negative gearing is designed to create more buyers willing to pay more.
With Tony Abbott’s political capital at a new low, he’s shifting the focus from big reforms to small wins. David Crosling/AAP

‘Big’ no longer beautiful for Australia’s reform agenda

As the haze lifts (in the short term at least) on Canberra’s leadership ructions, we can see the extent of the car wreck that is Australia’s economic reform agenda. “Political uncertainty hits business…

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