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Artículos sobre UNESCO

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 122 artículos

Dozens of reefs around the world have bleached in the past three years, of which the Great Barrier Reef was merely the most high-profile. AAP Image/WWF AUSTRALIA, BIOPIXEL

The UN is slowly warming to the task of protecting World Heritage sites from climate change

Amid fears for the world’s coral reefs, the UN World Heritage Committee has issued its most wide-ranging statement so far on protecting heritage sites from climate. But the problem doesn’t end there.
Australia’s Purnululu National Park is a World Heritage wilderness, but many other pristine places lack similar protection. AAP Image/Tourism Australia

Earth’s wildernesses are disappearing, and not enough of them are World Heritage-listed

Wilderness areas are vitally important, yet are largely overlooked by the United Nations’ list of natural World Heritage. This week’s meeting in Poland is a chance to redress that balance.
Chinese ceramics recovered from the 9th century Belitung shipwreck in Indonesia, now held at the Asian Civilisations Museum (Singapore) ArtScience Museum Singapore

When it comes to disappearing ocean history, HMAS Perth is the tip of the iceberg

Archaeologists this week found that more than half of of HMAS Perth, a WWII wreck in Indonesia, has disappeared. It’s now a race to protect the millions of other wrecks and sunken cities lying under the oceans.
It’s not enough for textbooks just to be present in a classroom. They must support learning. Global Partnership for Education/Flickr

Accessible, engaging textbooks could improve children’s learning

Textbooks in sufficient quantities are effective in improving the quality of education but in Africa language poses a problem to how pupils interact with the material they are taught.

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