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Artículos sobre UNESCO

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 122 artículos

The Caban Coch dam, in Wales’ Elan Valley, is just one of the estimated 1.2 million river barriers in Europe. Sara Barrento/Nature

Europe’s natural waterways: death by a million cuts

New research published in the journal Nature reveals that more than 1.2 million flow barriers exist on European rivers and that approximately 10% are obsolete.
On April 15, Finland’s foreign minister Pekka Haavisto (pictured in September 2019) announced on that his country would voluntarily increase its funding of the Wolrd Health Organization. Wikipedia

Debate: It’s time for us all to fund the World Health Organization

The world rightly expressed shock and dismay at Donald Trump’s suspension of US funding for WHO. To respond, other governments, funders and citizens are urgently needed to fill the gap.
Illustration by Wiehan de Jager from the story by ‘I Like to Read,’ by Letta Machoga, originally from the African Storybook project. This story is now available on Storybooks Canada in 28 languages. (African Storybook)

Global Storybooks: From Arabic to Zulu, freely available digital tales in 50+ languages

A free, open-access repository of multilingual children’s stories is one response to the United Nations’ urgent call to promote equitable education on the International Day of Education, January 24.
Tourists visit Persepolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, northeast of the Iranian city of Shiraz. AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

Iran-U.S. crisis reminds us how culture matters in war time

When the loss of this heritage is used as a weapon of war, it represents a loss for the country affected as well as for humanity. It targets the memories, history and identity of a people.
US marines walk through the rebuilt palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, in the ancient town of Babylon, in April 2003. The ruins suffered serious damage when American troops set up a military base amid the ruins during the Iraq War. Reuters/Jerry Lampen

‘World Heritage’ site selection is Eurocentric – and that shapes which historic places get love and money

A scholar analyzed data about UNESCO World Heritage sites to explain why European cultural relics like Notre Dame are so beloved, while splendid monuments elsewhere remain relatively unknown.

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