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Artículos sobre UNFCCC

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 76 artículos

The UN’s climate headquarters in Bonn will host this year’s summit, despite Fiji chairing the talks. EPA/Sascha Steinbach

Bonn voyage: climate diplomats head into another round of talks

Another round of UN climate negotiations kicks off in Bonn this month. With a Trump-shaped cloud hanging over the Paris Agreement, what approach can we expect Australia to adopt this time around?
Civil society and other groups, such as academics and businesses, stand to play a bigger role in how the countries of the world address climate change. Photo by IISD/ENB | Liz Rubin

With waning US leadership on climate, nonstate actors to play outsize role

Recent global climate talks at COP22 saw a growing role for businesses, NGOs and the state of California – a promising sign for action on climate change in the face of U.S. inaction.
French President François Hollande was among those who warned Donald Trump not to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. EPA/Mohamed Messara

Marrakech climate talks produced defiance towards Trump, but little else

The latest climate summit began the long slog towards putting the Paris Agreement into action. But it generated more questions than answers, particularly on how to handle a Trump-led United States.
Delegates in Marrakech are hoping the winds of change in Washington don’t blow climate action off course. EPA/Mohamed Messara

The view from Marrakech: climate talks are battling through a Trump tsunami

The halls of the Marrakech climate summit have been filled with fearful talk about Donald Trump’s presidency. But there is hope that the Paris climate treaty can weather the political storm.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg announce plans to ratify the Paris climate deal, which could be severely weakened by a US change of heart. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Australia to ratify the Paris climate deal, under a large Trump-shaped shadow

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced plans to ratify the Paris climate agreement, a day after US participation in the treaty was thrown into dought by Donald Trump’s election victory.
Britain, one of the European Union’s most consistent backers of climate action, is poised to walk out. AAP Image/Newzulu/Paul Alfred-Henri

Brexit could leave the European Union struggling with its climate targets

Britain was among Europe’s most progressive voices on climate policy. Its imminent withdrawal leaves the European Union grappling with voices of dissent from member states such as Poland.
Malcolm Turnbull’s speech to the Paris climate summit lacked real focus, but he still has time to grab the issue with both hands before the election. EPA/Christophe Petit Tesson

Ideas for Australia: A six-point plan for getting climate policy back on track

Australia has been mired in climate confusion for years - as reflected by its underwhelming performance at last year’s Paris climate summit. Here’s how to get things back on an even keel.

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