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Articles sur Carbon tax

Affichage de 281 à 300 de 329 articles

In the frame: David Jones has fallen victim of slumping consumer confidence - but is it warranted?

Are doubts about consumer confidence justified?

Consumer confidence has fallen by 8.3% to its lowest level in two years, according to the Westpac-Melbourne Institute Consumer Sentiment Index. The drop has been connected to speculation about the impact…
Locking carbon dioxide in soils and crops also stimulates emission of other greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide, a study found, meaning the capacity of land ecosystems to slow climate warming may have been overestimated. Flickr/AndyCarvin

Land carbon offset capacity may have been overestimated

The ability of land ecosystems like crops and soils to slow down climate change may have been overestimated because some of these ‘carbon sinks’ actually emit more greenhouse gases than first thought…
Julia Gillard claims Peabody’s $5bn bid shows international confidence in the coal industry’s future. AAP

Peabody’s bid for Macarthur Coal is hardly a carbon tax endorsement

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has claimed that US-based Peabody Energy’s $5bn takeover bid for Queensland’s Macarthur Coal represents an endorsement for the government’s carbon tax. But does Peabody’s bid…
Latrobe Valley’s longer term future will depend on the cost of building new gas-fired plants. AAP

After coal: what’s the future of Victoria’s Latrobe Valley?

There appears to be lots of ‘doom and gloom’ around brown coal generation in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley under the carbon tax. It is far from obvious that this is justified – at least in the next few years…
A survey of 140 economists found 60% were in favour of the Gillard government’s carbon tax policy. AAP

Economists back carbon tax package

A survey of 145 economists released today found that 60% believe the Gillard government’s carbon tax is good economic policy. The carbon tax package, announced on Sunday, penalises 500 heavy polluters…
Tony Abbott says the carbon tax is “socialism by stealth”; but is it just “what’s in it for me” politics? AAP

The ‘what’s in it for me?’ carbon tax debate that’s unlikely to create change

Opposition leader Tony Abbott claims the proposed carbon policy is “socialism by stealth”? I wish! I suspect we do need some emphasis on the common good and public benefits to counter the attempts to sell…
Without a carbon price, other countries may lose interest in our exports. Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden/Flickr

Why a price on carbon is good news for Australian trade

In the lead up to the carbon price announcement, much of the criticism of the scheme has talked about the damage to Australia’s exports. But the move to price carbon could save us from a far worse economic…
Households will bear more financial burdens as Gillard’s carbon tax regime matures. AAP

Carbon tax will make working families pay for problems markets created

The carbon tax is short-term carrot and long-term stick. The Coalition’s campaign against “a great big new tax” drove Gillard to introduce a tax for which most people and businesses affected will be compensated…
Onward and upward, or not? AAP

The carbon tax package

The Australian government announced on 10 July it would introduce a carbon tax at $23 a tonne in July 2012, rising 2.5% annually plus inflation and moving to a market-based emissions trading scheme in…
Counterintuitively, the carbon tax may make it harder to get a bus. Dale Gillard/Flickr

Public transport - collateral damage of our new carbon price

Transport accounts for 14% of Australia’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has one of the fastest emission growth rates. Cutting our national emissions might, therefore, be expected to shine a blowtorch…
Many of Ken Henry’s changes have been adopted, but is it reform? AAP

Carbon tax a step towards reform, but working mothers miss out

At first glance, the Federal Government’s carbon tax plan appears to carry out significant income tax rate reform in the guise of carbon price compensation. Indeed, the proposed tax rate reforms adopt…
Tripling the tax-free threshold could be the spoonful of sugar that makes the carbon price palatable. AAP

Frank Jotzo: popular tax cuts and a carbon price that just might deliver

Two years ago Australian climate policy looked dead. Now we are on the verge of legislation that puts a carbon price through much of the Australian economy, alongside new schemes to support renewable energy…
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Climate Change Minister Greg Combet address a press conference on Sunday. A carbon tax package announced today includes compensation measures and a radical overhaul of income tax policy. ABC News24

The carbon tax: the experts respond

The Australian government announced on Sunday it would introduce a carbon tax at $23 a tonne next July, rising 2.5% annually plus inflation and moving to a market-based emissions trading scheme in 2015…
When we debate a carbon tax, how much thought are we giving to our fragile, drought-prone continent? Raiden256/Flickr

The carbon tax and the ‘climate overboard affair’

As the old saying goes, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. On Sunday, the exhausting, almost decade-long battle to put a price on carbon pollution enters a new phase, when the MultiParty…
Will Steffen (left) in conversation with academic Will Grant (right): “The misinformation campaign that’s been prominent in the media … really is having an impact.”

Will Steffen: phoney debate is over, now for the carbon policy

Welcome to “In Conversation”, our series of discussions between leading academics and major public figures in Australian life. Today, we’re In Conversation with the academic whose research informed the…
With a carbon price, is it OK to start small? ntr23/Flickr

Could smaller be better? Shrinking the carbon tax scheme

There is considerable media speculation that the Government will announce a carbon tax applying to a much smaller number of companies than had previously been expected. As with much of what is announced…

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