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Articles sur Climate policy

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 354 articles

With around 700,000 panels, France’s Massangis solar farm generates 56 megawatts (MW) of power. The panels are manufactured by First Solar, a US company. Ibex73/Wikimedia

We need to talk about Chinese and US influence in Europe’s energy industry

Taking advantage of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, outside investors have acquired substantial stakes in what have long been regarded as “sovereign” assets that are critical for the EU’s energy strategy.
Connecting with the climate risks that could be faced by future generations could influence support for better policies now.

Women favour climate actions that benefit future generations more than men – new study

Attitudes towards climate policies partly depend on a consideration of future, as yet unborn, descendants. Women tended to show more ability to think about how future generations could benefit.
Different climate policies will work in different places, communities and contexts, so new research that highlights the nuances could be a vital tool. Jacob_09/Shutterstock

How psychology can help people live more climate-friendly lives – lessons from around the world

Insight from one of the largest experiments ever conducted in climate change psychology sheds light on how people could make more effective decisions about their lifestyle and also wider policies.
Interference in research has serious consequences for scientists and for the laws and policies their research informs. (Shutterstock)

Canadian scientists are still being muzzled, and that risks undermining climate policy

If scientists cannot freely conduct and communicate their work, the gap between evidence and policy widens, and that means Canada gets less effective laws and policies.
The costs of climate change are clear with the flood devastation in Lybia simply being the latest grim example. What is also clear is that traditional policymaking has failed and climate assemblies may provide a novel and more equitable path forward. (AP Photo/Jamal Alkomaty)

How climate assemblies can help Canada tackle the climate crisis

Climate assemblies may just provide the breakthrough required to develop popular, just and sustainable climate and energy policies.

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