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Immigration – Analyses

The ‘White Australia’ ideology was commercialised and used to sell things from soaps and games to pineapple slices. Multicultural Research Library

Australian politics explainer: the White Australia policy

While contemporary Australia is proud of its multicultural status, the White Australia policy shows this wasn’t always the case.
FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers at hearing on allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Dangers of the witch hunt in Washington

A ‘witch hunt’ is what Trump called investigations into his campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election. An anthropologist explains the connection between witch hunts and social control.
A glimpse behind bars. Cropped from krystiano/flickr

Private prisons, explained

The White House is pushing for more private prisons. But do the industry’s promised benefits hold up to scrutiny?
‘Neither criminals nor illegals’: activists painted the U.S.-Mexico border in protest against US President Donald Trump’s new immigration reform. Jose Luis Gonzales/Reuters

Mexico’s new plan for facing Trump: resistance

Draconian new US deportation policies are the last straw for Mexico’s government, which has endured months of Donald Trump’s insults and aggression.