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Relentless coughing after a viral infection can be frustrating and worrisome, but in most cases, coughs resolve over time. The Good Brigade/DigitalVision via Getty Images

A nagging cough can hang on for weeks or months following a respiratory illness – and there is precious little you can do about it

Some coughs can last for weeks or even months following an upper respiratory infection. The good news – albeit not very satisfying – is that most eventually go away on their own.

Do men really take longer to poo?

If you believe the memes, men spend ages in the toilet. But they’re not always pooing. Here’s what they’re really doing.
You might feel terrible. But your runny nose, sore throat and aches are signs your body is fighting the flu virus. And that’s a good thing. from

Sick with the flu? Here’s why you feel so bad

How can a tiny flu virus make you feel so bad, all over? Here’s what’s behind your high temperature, muscle aches and other flu symptoms.
Defecation duration is surprisingly similar throughout the mammal world. Elephant image via

Physics of poo: Why it takes you and an elephant the same amount of time

New parenthood got our fluid dynamics experts thinking about what ends up in the diaper. They headed to the zoo and the lab to come up with a cohesive physics story for how defecation works.

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