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Peacebuilding – Analyses

Health workers from Bwera hospital prepare to transport the body of a fifty-year-old woman who died of Ebola to the burial site in Bwera, Uganda. MELANIE ATUREEBE/EPA

How Africa’s porous borders make it difficult to contain Ebola

Ebola is difficult to contain because of human social and behavioural factors. But it can be if 100% of the infected people’s contacts are identified and monitored.
The port of Mombasa in Kenya, which was the first country, with Ghana, to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Agreement in 2018. Shutterstock

More work lies ahead to make Africa’s new free trade area succeed

Africa’s new continental free trade area, the AfCFTA, is a remarkable achievement. However, decisive diplomatic, technical and social action is needed for it to succeed.
Billions of people globally don’t have access to safe, clean toilets. Clive Chilvers/Shutterstock

Nigeria needs a more effective sanitation strategy. Here are some ideas

Research shows that targeting poor communities will go a long way in solving the country’s open defecation issues.