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Peacebuilding – Analyses

Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo attends a confirmation of charges hearing at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. EPA/Michael Kooren

Flirting with fire: African leaders and international law

African leaders who have sought ICC involvement have all seen the court as being beneficial to the survival of their governments.
Debate about SA Reserve Bank’s mandate must be done in a more considered manner, informed by evidence. Shutterstock

Evolution of ANC economic policy sheds light on squabble over the central bank

The debate about the mandate of the South African Reserve Bank must be located within a clearly articulated political vision and social compact on the kind of society South Africans aspire to.
With so much research, data and evidence in the world, it’s tough to pull it together in a useful way. Shutterstock

Technology can make collecting and analysing evidence for policy easier

With accessible software tools and workflows, machines can be left to do the laborious work so that people can focus on planning, thinking and doing.