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Articles sur Populism

Affichage de 101 à 120 de 331 articles

Out and about: Jair Bolsanaro waves to supporters during a rally in Brasilia on April 19. Joedson Alves/EPA

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s strategy of chaos hinders coronavirus response

Jair Bolsonaro has ignored and openly challenged the advice of health authorities, sacked his health minister and tried to use the pandemic for political gain.
A British Columbia motorist approaches the U.S. port of entry into Blaine, Wash., at a very quiet Douglas-Peace Arch border crossing on the day Ottawa and Washington announced the Canada-U.S. border will be closed to non-essential traffic because of the COVID-19 pandemic. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Coronavirus: Canada-U.S. border closure, other travel restrictions undermine our values

Canada’s ban on foreign travellers is not consistent with the science of the pandemic or Canada’s own values of inclusion and openness to outsiders.
L'appel des camps, Street Art, bâtiment de la “Tour Paris 13”, avant destruction dans le cadre d’une opération de rénovation urbaine. Jeanne Menjoulet/Flickr

Debate: Welcome to the new-old global age of weaponised racism

We have entered a resurgent age of racism wherein discrimination is globalised, normalised and weaponised.
Trump takes the stage at a Make America Great Again rally in April 2019 in Green Bay, Wis. Trump and his defenders claim the ongoing impeachment process is a coup. But is it Trump who’s truly engaging in a coup? AP Photo/Mike Roemer

Donald Trump’s populist presidency is the real coup, not the impeachment inquiry

Since the election of Donald Trump, the United States has been experiencing a slow-moving coup that is still in the process of toppling American democratic institutions.

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