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Articles sur Voter turnout

Affichage de 61 à 77 de 77 articles

A high school talks over a civics assignment in an advanced placement class. Johnny Andrews/AP

Why America urgently needs to improve K-12 civic education

Only about 40-45 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds turned out to vote in the 2012 election. Civic education can improve youth turnout. But civic education itself remains neglected in US schools.
Showing your voting support with a button can be more powerful on Facebook. Shutterstock/dfoto

Can Facebook influence an election result?

Facebook has already proved it can increase the number of people who vote in elections. But what if it tries to influence how they vote?
Clinton at a campaign stop in Atlanta City Hall in February. REUTERS/Christopher Aluka Berry

A hint of blue? The 2016 presidential election in Georgia

Polls show Trump and Hillary in a dead heat in the Peach State this year. An expert on Southern politics examines the possibility of Georgia turning blue.
Attendees photograph Hillary Clinton speaking at Pennsylvania rally in support of Democratic candidate for governor. Mark Makela/Reuters

Midterm politics: the back story is the thing

Foundation essay: This article is part of a series marking the launch of The Conversation in the US. Our foundation essays are longer than our usual comment and analysis articles and take a wider look…
Fixating on the voting age won’t fix the system. Shutterstock polling station

We’re not ready to lower the voting age to 16 yet

The case for lowering the voting age to 16 in the UK would appear to have been strengthened by the resonance of young people in the Scottish referendum. But excitement over this issue masks a deeper problem…
Party politics? No, thanks. Manny Valdes

Hard Evidence: are Gen Y really Thatcher’s children?

Generation Y, the youngest adult generation, have recently been called Dave’s No 1 Fans, Thatcher’s Children, The Boris Generation or just plain Generation Right. Much of this discussion draws on an analysis…

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