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Articles sur Winter

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Eye doctors report that patients are more frequently saying during routine exams that their eyes are irritated, burn and sting. (Shutterstock)

Face masks, digital screens and winter weather are a triple threat for dry eyes

Increased digital screen use, face masks and winter weather combine to form a triple threat to eye health: The dry eye triad. Here’s how to combat the resulting eye fatigue, irritation and discomfort.
Six-year-old Makai'ryn Terrio, centre, cools off with his brothers as they play in water fountains in Montréal. The city had its hottest August on record. The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes

What climate change means for southern Ontario and Québec

Southern Québec is warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the world due to the progressive loss of snow cover. An average annual warming of 3 C to 6 C is expected by the end of the century.
The polar vortex influences the jet stream, which can bring cold winter weather to the U.S. and Europe. AP Photo/Bill Sikes

What exactly is the polar vortex?

The media often call unusually cold, snowy storms a ‘polar vortex.’ The real polar vortex isn’t coming down to visit the lower 48, but changes to the polar vortex can influence winter weather.
February 1969 afforded a spot of skiing for Nottingham residents. Photographer: Nottingham Post, courtesy: Nottingham Local Studies photographic collection

How British people weathered exceptionally cold winters

Food shortages, festivities and far-off fighting – Britain’s coldest winters were among its most memorable.
Viruses spread easier during the winter than other times of the year, but being outside isn’t the main cause of transmission. Christopher Kimmel via Getty Images

Will going out in the cold give you a cold?

Going out in the cold won’t necessarily lead to you getting a cold. But cold weather in general is more hospitable to viruses, so it’s wise to take steps to keep your immune system strong.

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