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Artikel-artikel mengenai Cognitive development

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The number of children with flat head has risen in recent years in part due to SIDS guidelines, which recommend placing babies on their backs to sleep. from

Do you need to worry if your baby has a flat head?

Parents who notice their child has a flat head should talk to a GP or specialist to see if any treatment is needed.
I can’t see you, you can’t see me. Child image via

Young children are terrible at hiding – psychologists have a new theory why

Little kids cover their own eyes and feel hidden, even if they’re still fully visible. New research suggests this doesn’t mean children can’t understand others’ perspectives, as had been assumed.
If you think about it, producing graduates who can think critically is good for any society. From

Working together for critical thinking in schools

The ability to think critically benefits individuals and societies. Why, then, is it so rare for critical thinking to be taught in schools?
From left to right. Mandarin employs a different part of the brain. Chinese man via XiXinXing/Shutterstock

If you speak Mandarin, your brain is different

Language is traditionally associated with the left side of the brain. But Mandarin speakers are using the right side.
Watch your head. Soccer players via Wallenrock/Shutterstock.

What every parent should know about concussions

This fall, the deaths of three high school football players were linked to direct head injuries on the field of play and one collegiate football player’s death has been potentially attributed to unresolved…
Just you wait… César Rincón

Why do human children stay so small for so long?

Why does it take so long for human children to grow up? A male chimp and male human, for example, both end up with the same body weight but they grow very differently: at year one the human weighs twice…
High intake of take-away foods, red and processed meat, soft drinks, and fried and refined food is a risk factor for poor academic performance. Jay Peg/Flickr

Brain food: diet’s impacts on students are too big to ignore

As their children submit themselves to the ordeal of all-important end-of-year exams, parents of high school and university students may be wondering what they can do to help. One thing they ought to consider…
What will you remember? Test via Syda Productions/Shutterstock

How tests and wrong answers help us remember what we learn

Teachers give tests to find out what their students know. But tests do a lot more than that and can have a powerful effect on what a student remembers. In a typical research study looking at the links…
You can do better. Answer sheet via Wichy/Shutterstock

Ignore the IQ test: your level of intelligence is not fixed for life

We’re getting more stupid. That’s one point made in a recent article in the New Scientist, reporting on a gradual decline in IQs in developed countries such as the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. Such…

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