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Artikel-artikel mengenai Coronavirus

Menampilkan 2721 - 2740 dari 5486 artikel

Bangladeshi garment workers protest to demand payment of wages, April 2020. Monirul Alam/EPA-EFE

Microfinance loans could spell disaster in the time of coronavirus

When the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Bangladeshi economist Muhammad Yunus in 2006 for his concept of microfinance, it brought what began as a local policy experiment in the 1970s to global attention…
Treasurer Josh Frydneberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcing the next steps on Tuesday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Bowing out gracefully: how they’ll wind down JobKeeper

The new slimmed-down and tapered JobKeeper is an improvement, but it’ll interact with JobSeeker in odd ways.
Vaccinologists have not focused their research on tailoring vaccines to induce robust immune responses in the elderly. (Shutterstock)

Why vaccines are less effective in the elderly, and what it means for COVID-19

Immunosenescence — the decline of immune system function with age — means that vaccines are not as effective in older adults, the demographic most susceptible to many diseases, including COVID-19.
A healthcare worker in a protective suit is seen at a quarantine and isolation centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

How COVID-19 threatens efforts to contain HIV/AIDS in South Africa

The redirection of resources to COVID-19 has enormous consequences for the provision of healthcare services for other diseases, in particular, HIV programmes.
Masks are a crucial tool for stopping the pandemic – but don’t let them give you a false sense of security. Patricia J. Garcinuno/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images Europe

Mandatory face masks might lull people into taking more coronavirus risks

Policies meant to improve public health – like mandatory face masks during the coronavirus pandemic – need to take into account how people might adjust other behaviors in response.

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