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Artikel-artikel mengenai corporate tax

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Looks like paradise – especially if you’re a multinational corporation in need of a tax haven. LeoPatrizi/E+ via Getty Images

$1 trillion in the shade – the annual profits multinational corporations shift to tax havens continues to climb and climb

New research shows that companies are shifting record amounts of their profits to tax havens, despite a global effort to crack down on the practice.
With the second and third releases of ATO tax transparency data, the was no reaction from the financial markets at all, not even for those firms included in the disclosures. BEN RUSHTON/AAP

Revealing how much tax companies pay doesn’t move markets or reduce tax avoidance

Mandatory tax return disclosures for large companies were designed to increase public awareness of tax avoidance - but a new study reveals they may not work.
Why so grim? Oh, tax cuts. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Why tax cuts make us less happy

The Republican tax plan would ultimately make the current system less progressive while reducing the overall burden, two things research shows make countries less happy.
Tax sheltering is not just the domain of exotic Caribbean isles. Major world powers, including the United Kingdom, play a critical and previously undisclosed role in global tax avoidance. CORPNET

These five countries are conduits for the world’s biggest tax havens

The Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Singapore and Ireland are among the rich countries that funnel major corporate money into secret offshore tax shelters, according to a new study.
Despite global outrage at the cost of its Hepatitis C cure, Gilead reaps huge profits – aided by Australian taxpayer subsidies. Nick St Charles/flickr

Gilead and the billion-dollar odyssey

How much can a multinational take before its social licence to operate in this country expires? How much corporate welfare is too much?

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