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Artikel-artikel mengenai Crowdsourcing information

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Citizen science: how you can contribute to coronavirus research without leaving the house

As scientists frantically try to find drugs to slow COVID-19’s spread, citizen science offers an opportunity for all of us to get involved.
People have been modifying Earth – as in these rice terraces near Pokhara, Nepal – for millennia. Erle C. Ellis

Surveying archaeologists across the globe reveals deeper and more widespread roots of the human age, the Anthropocene

Hundreds of archaeologists provided on-the-ground data from across the globe, providing a new view of the long and varied history of people transforming Earth’s environment.
In 1906, English statistician Sir Francis Galton observed the median answer of 800 participants trying to guess the weight of a cow was accurate within 1% of the correct answer. Mavis Wong/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

The internet is terrible at answering most tough questions. Our ‘wisdom of the crowd’ tool can help

We have developed a system that combines human intuition with machine learning to provide support for people making complex decisions.
Imagine where working together on open data can get us? Puzzle pieces image via

Expanding citizen science models to enhance open innovation

This method of crowdsourcing science legwork is ready to expand into other disciplines – and maybe the amateurs themselves can start calling some of the shots.
Yes, libraries have a place and function - but academics and researchers can get along just fine without them. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski

How good librarians have made themselves obsolete to some users

Libraries are warm, dry and safe spaces with free Internet, which many people need. But academics and researchers in the 21st century can get along very well without them.
Caught in the moment, by the camera and the net. Paul Wolfe

Crowdsleuthing: curiosity can be a double-edged sword

Some achieve celebrity, and some have celebrity thrust upon them, to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This may be how Alex Geutsitskiy and Katie Verkovod feel, a couple from Oregon who were captured…
Some slices are bigger than others. jzawdubya

Geotagging reveals Wikipedia is not quite so equal after all

Wikipedia is often seen as a great equaliser. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people collaborate on a seemingly endless range of topics by writing, editing and discussing articles, and uploading images…
Bic is gathering handwriting samples to produce a new typeface. Caligrafia

Digging for data in Bic’s typeface experiment

Pen maker Bic has been asking people around to world to submit their handwriting so it can produce what it is calling the Universal Typeface. Although the experiment is not claiming to have any scientific…
Volunteers are trawling satellite imagery in the hope of finding the wreckage of MH370. EPA

Volunteers and algorithms need training to find MH370

It has been nearly a week since flight Malaysia Airlines MH370 disappeared some time after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Despite searches led by the Malaysian authorities, there is…
Can I interest you in the Acme Corporation? I’m hearing great things. Rafael Matsunaga

When Twitter storms cause financial panic

On the morning of 22 January 2013 a story started to develop on Twitter about the imminent and unexpected resignation of Jens Weidmann, the CEO of Deutsche Bundesbank. The first documented tweet came at…
The trail of a meteor that caused some harm, but mostly helped humanity understand the meteorite strikes on Earth. alexeya

Secrets revealed of ‘dash-cam’ meteorite that rocked Russia

The asteroid impact that burst over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on the morning of February 15 has provided a huge collection of new data that scientists have been analysing since. This week, three papers, two…
Mark Graham

Wikipedia wars tie tongues around the globe

Wikipedia, the collection of 37 million articles that anyone can edit, is defined by conflict. The ability for anyone to shape this global repository of knowledge inevitably means that we are presented…

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