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Artikel-artikel mengenai Dermatology

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Once you start, you can’t stop. 'Injection' via

Why are young women without wrinkles using Botox?

By getting young women hooked before they’ve even formed wrinkles, Botox peddlers have realized they can enlist them in a lifetime of treatment.
If you or someone in your family has suffered with severe eczema, you’ve probably tried all sorts of remedies to alleviate the itching. Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Explainer: what is eczema and what can you do about it?

People with eczema essentially have sensitive skin that is easily irritated.
Almost 60% of Australian women are predisposed to female pattern hair loss. faungg's photo/Flickr

Health Check: why does women’s hair thin out?

Balding in men is so common it doesn’t raise an eyebrow. But when a woman starts to lose hair, it can be extremely distressing. Will she end up bald, too?
Adult acne is very common and usually affects women women in their 20s, 30s and 40s. alri/Shutterstock

Health Check: why do I still get zits?

You may have battled blemishes in your teens, or made it through puberty and early adulthood with relatively clear skin, but it always feels particularly unlucky contending with zits in adulthood. Adult…
Mad Men actor Jon Hamm claims to be diagnosed with the skin condition vitiligo – but what is it, exactly? EPA/Gus Ruelas

Explainer: what is vitiligo?

Vitiligo, a human skin condition that turns patches of skin and hair white, it is not a disease we hear much about, although it affects approximately 1% of the population. Most famously, Michael Jackson…

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