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Artikel-artikel mengenai East Africa

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 129 artikel

The latest climate change assessment by scientists is a ‘code red for humanity’, according to the UN. Toa55/Shutterstock

Have climate change predictions matched reality? Podcast

How scientists are improving their understanding of the connection between extremes and climate change – and what’s to come. Listen to The Conversation Weekly.
Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki (left), Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (right) and Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

Why a proposed Horn of Africa bloc could destabilise the larger region

The proposed cooperation promises to address transnational problems within the three countries but it might alienate the rest of East Africa.
Taking a loan has never been easier thanks to the proliferation of mobile lending platforms. Rosenfeld Media/Wikimedia Commons

Mobile-based lending is huge in Kenya: but there’s a downside too

Mobile loan platforms have given Kenyans access to easy loans, but they come at a high price.
Health workers from Bwera hospital prepare to transport the body of a fifty-year-old woman who died of Ebola to the burial site in Bwera, Uganda. MELANIE ATUREEBE/EPA

How Africa’s porous borders make it difficult to contain Ebola

Ebola is difficult to contain because of human social and behavioural factors. But it can be if 100% of the infected people’s contacts are identified and monitored.

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