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Artikel-artikel mengenai Ed Miliband

Menampilkan 141 - 148 dari 148 artikel

Can someone turn on the heating? O.F.E

Freezing energy prices risks collusion among big six

Ed Miliband is right to be concerned about the lack of competitiveness in the UK energy retail sector. His worries are shared by many observers in the media and those of us in the regulatory and academic…
If bills are kept low, will there be a price to paid in other ways? Rui Vieira/PA

Miliband bill freeze won’t fix fuel poverty or leaky houses

First the banks lost the public’s trust, then the tax activities of some large corporations were brought under scrutiny. So perhaps taking on the “big six” UK energy companies as household fuel bills incessantly…
Who are you calling red? Chris Ison/PA Wire

Miliband pitches for a new centre ground in politics

In his Labour Party conference speech, Ed Miliband planted himself firmly on the left. His big themes of confiscating land from greedy developers, controlling energy prices and imposing a higher minimum…
Just 199,000 to go. Rui Vieira/PA

Miliband’s housing promises reflect an escalating crisis

The commentariat has gone into overdrive in the wake of Ed Miliband’s speech to the Labour party conference. Does it represent, at last, the shattering of the neoliberal consensus? Is it the articulation…
Did I tell you the one about the cyclist I rescued? Stefan Rousseau/PA

Ed Miliband’s speech a lesson in split personality politics

Ed Miliband suffers from a split personality. When discussed in the abstract – in polls, on the street or in newspapers - the image conjured up is of a policy wonk who, like many politicians, is far from…
TUC conference is key moment for Ed Miliband. Sean Dempsey/PA

Miliband sweats in the autumn of Labour’s discontent

This September will be one that Ed Miliband will probably want to forget. He must be dreading the inevitable mauling he will get from the union delegates at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton at the…
Hard words: is Ed Miliband biting the hand that feeds the Labour Party? PA Wire

Miliband and Labour must reconnect with working class

Ed Miliband’s plan to reform Labour relationship with the union movement has its origins much deeper than the recent Falkirk debacle. Of course, Unite in Falkirk West and 40 other constituency Labour parties…

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