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Artikel-artikel mengenai Ed Miliband

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This Conservative Party leaflet kills three birds with one stone and is a classic example of Lynton Crosby’s campaign strategy. UK Conservative Party/Buzzfeed

Decoding the Crosby campaign: how to find voters and finish first

The British Conservative government’s re-election is the latest and perhaps most startling electoral triumph for Australian political strategist Lynton Crosby. So how did he do it?
Five more years: David Cameron returns to Number 10 Downing Street. EPA/Andy Rain

Britain’s election is over – so what does it all mean?

A stunning surprise put the Conservatives back in power with no need for a coalition, while the Scottish nationalists stormed to victory north of the border. What now?
Crushing defeat for the Labour leader. Nigel Roddis/EPA

Milibandism crushed at the polls, but Ed doomed from the start

Five years ago, Ed Miliband decided to stand for the leadership of the Labour Party because he felt the global financial crisis had opened the way to a centre-left moment. He was ready to turn the page…

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