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Artikel-artikel mengenai Epidemics

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Because of the coronavirus, most pictures of people in Wuhan are in protective gear like this one of people buying face masks on Jan. 22. Recent chants by residents of ‘stay strong Wuhan’ help to both encourage and humanize residents. AP Photo/Dake Kang

Coronavirus in Wuhan: Residents shout ‘stay strong’ from windows

During a crisis, communities seek to come together. But quarantined residents of Wuhan at the epicentre of the coronavirus epidemic have had to show their encouragement in a different way.
Researchers examine materials collected from a Chinese woman to find the cause of her mysterious pneumonia symptoms, at Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, South Korea, 09 January 2020. YONHAP/EPA

Scientists still searching for causes of mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China

Genetic analysis indicates novel coronavirus from Wuhan has a 89% similarity to the SARS virus, a relative of the SARS bat virus. However this does not mean nCoV comes from bats.
What happened to make plague able to cause devastating epidemics, as in this depiction from 1349? Pierart dou Tielt/Wikimedia

Plague was around for millennia before epidemics took hold – and the way people lived might be what protected them

People caught and died from plague long before it caused major epidemics like the Black Death in the middle ages. Could what scientists call cultural resistance be what kept the disease under control?
New research holds promise of a shorter treatment course for people with drugresistant- TB. Daniel Irungu/EPA

Drug-resistant TB: a new study offers new hope

New research shows that the treatment of drug resistant-TB can be reduced from the current duration of 20 to 24 months to less than a year.
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, responsible for transmitting Zika. AP Photo/Felipe Dana

Why it’s so difficult for scientists to predict the next outbreak of a dangerous disease

In January, measles returned to the Pacific Northwest, while Ebola resurged in the Congo. It would take a lot more research for scientists to be able to stop threats like these in their tracks.
Lots of positive pregnancy tests this time of year. Kristina Kokhanova/

‘Tis the season for conception

Did you ever consider that human beings might have a breeding season? Birth seasonality exists – and has interesting implications for childhood disease outbreaks.
‘Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor’ by William Halsall (1882). Pilgrim Hall Museum

Why the Pilgrims were actually able to survive

The Pilgrims repeatedly thanked God for their good fortune. But without two earlier developments, the entire undertaking at New Plymouth would have likely failed.
Congolese health workers prepare equipment before the launch of vaccination campaign against the deadly Ebola virus. REUTERS/Samuel Mambo

How the media falls short in reporting epidemics

A study of recent epidemics like Zika and Ebola suggests that the media may fail to tell the public what to do during an outbreak.

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