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Artikel-artikel mengenai Epidemiology

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Social sciences play a key role in preventing zoonotic diseases from spreading to people from animals. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Why ‘One Health’ needs more social sciences: Pandemic prevention depends on behaviour as well as biology

Pandemics often have animal origins, so prevention is often dominated by health and veterinary sciences. However, social sciences’ role in understanding human behaviour is also crucial to prevention.
Given how wealth contributes to health on the personal, individual level, the case for economic growth being good for us might seem intuitive. (Shutterstock)

Is economic growth good for our health?

The historical correlation between economic prosperity and increased life expectancy might suggest that growth is generally a good thing. However, other evidence points to the downside of growth.
Feet of a person with lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis. WHO

Patients’ beliefs about illness matter: the case of elephantiasis in rural Ghana

In rural Ghana, only 18% of patients believe elephantiasis is a disease. Some others think it is caused by curses or even rain. Only by understanding local beliefs can it be treated effectively.
The sum is greater than the parts when researchers build an ensemble from multiple coordinated but independent models. Matteo Chinazzi

Pooling multiple models during COVID-19 pandemic provided more reliable projections about an uncertain future

Policymakers rely on models during uncertain times to figure out how their choices could affect the future. Over the pandemic, an ensemble of many COVID-19 models outperformed any one alone.
The risk of dying from COVID-19 varies from person to person. Jasmin Merdan/Moment via Getty Images

If 1% of COVID-19 cases result in death, does that mean you have a 1% chance of dying if you catch it? A mathematician explains the difference between a population statistic and your personal risk

It’s not entirely accurate to say that you’re more likely to die in a car accident than in a plane crash. Chances are, you’re not the average person.

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