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Artikel-artikel mengenai Ethics

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Naloxone, available as a nasal spray called Narcan or in injectable form, resuscitates 100% of people who overdose if administered quickly. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

This overdose-reversal medicine could reduce opioid deaths – so why don’t more people carry it?

Opioid overdoses killed 47,000 Americans in 2017 — more than gun violence. Many fewer would have died if they’d been treated with the life-saving drug naloxone, also called Narcan.
CRISPR has many applications, including targeted gene therapy, but the precision of the technology still has a way to go. Shutterstock

Gene editing needs to become more precise to live up to its promise

CRISPR technology is continually improving to make it more specific, but serious consideration should be given to when and how CRISPR is safe for gene editing.
Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks as she takes part during the Climate Strike in New York. Tens of thousands of protesters joined rallies on Sept. 20 as a day of worldwide demonstrations calling for action against climate change. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez)

After Greta Thunberg’s UN address, an ethicist weighs in on our moral failure to act on climate change

The kids are right when it comes to climate change, says an ethicist: adults have a moral and ethical responsibility to take the necessary actions to stop climate change.
Young environmentalists are putting the ethical dimensions of climate change at the center of a global debate that has historically focused on politics, efficiency and cost-benefits analysis. AP Photo/Kin Cheung

Youth climate movement puts ethics at the center of the global debate

Economic and political assessments of climate change have for years helped justify inaction. Now, young environmentalists worldwide are shifting the debate to focus on values, ethics and justice.
When we fail to consider the ethics of arguing, this makes it perilously easy to mistreat others. Shutterstock

Actually, it’s OK to disagree. Here are 5 ways we can argue better

When we argue, it’s far too easy to mistreat others. This is why it’s important to follow certain norms of argument, remain open-minded and remember what’s morally at stake.
Solving the world’s climate problems will require many kinds of brain power. UC Irvine School of Humanities

Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change

Climate change isn’t just a technical challenge – it also involves ethics, social justice and cultural values. Insights from literature, philosophy and other humanities can produce better solutions.

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