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Artikel-artikel mengenai First Nations

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Indigenous knowledge has aided and enhanced modern science and technology for centuries, Natan Obed, president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, speaks about climate change at the global COP22 conference in Marrakech, Morocco, in November 2016. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)

How Indigenous knowledge advances modern science and technology

Traditional Indigenous knowledge and science has aided the development of modern scientific knowledge, and including Indigenous people in science is essential to its future.
Demonstrators at a 2010 Toronto rally protesting the mercury contamination of the Wabigoon-English waterway in northwestern Ontario carry long blue banners meant to represent a river. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)

Declaring a water crisis over isn’t the end of the ordeal

The declared end of Flint, Mich., contaminated water crisis echoes similar claims worldwide. Evidence shows victims of past and ongoing water crises, especially Indigenous people, continue to suffer.
New Zealand Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern, centre, and deputy leader Kelvin Davis, a Maori, far left, answer questions from the media in August in Wellington, New Zealand. Following the Sept. 23 election, Ardern could became the country’s next prime minister if she can convince minor parties to support her. (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

What New Zealand’s vote means for Maori – and potentially First Nations in Canada

While the Maori Party got wiped out in this weekend’s New Zealand election, there’s still a Maori presence in the country’s political system. That’s why Canadian First Nations should take note.
Community-led research in the Inuit community of Rigolet, Labrador, helped identify dirty water containers as a source of drinking water contamination.

Collaboration can help in the Indigenous water crisis

Can community-led research help address Canada’s Indigenous water security issues? One project from the Inuit community of Rigolet in Labrador suggests it can.
Canada’s former prime minister, Stephen Harper, is greeted by a Maori warrior in New Zealand in November 2014. New Zealand’s electoral system allows for far greater Indigenous involvement than Canada’s. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Lessons for Canada in New Zealand’s Indigenous-friendly electoral system

As New Zealanders head to the polls this week, there are lessons for Canada in the country’s electoral system — in particular how it gives Indigenous people a greater role in governing.
Thousands of copper nails representing thousands of Indigenous children who died in Canada’s residential schools were hammered into the Reconciliation Pole before its raising at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, B.C., on April 1, 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

This is why most teachers need Indigenous coaches

Many Canadian teachers worry about how to incorporate Indigenous content into the classroom. For one sociology professor, finding Indigenous mentorship was richly rewarding.
Indigenous graduates celebrate at the University of the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. (University of The Fraser Valley/flickr)

Why we need First Nations education authorities

The gap between academic achievement for Indigenous and non-indigenous learners is growing. First Nations education authorities could provide a strategic solution.
The relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal peoples and non-indigenous population has never been an equal one. AAP Image/Adam Gartrell

Canada’s progress shows indigenous reconciliation is a long-term process

The relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal peoples and non-indigenous population has never been an equal one, even though the 1982 national constitution recognises Aboriginal rights.
Hudson Bay Lowlands are staying greener for longer as temperatures rise. K. Rühland

Global warming finally reaches the last Arctic region

Lakes of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, in northeast Canada, are showing evidence of abrupt change in one of the last Arctic regions of the world to have experienced global warming, according to Canadian research…
Indigenous Australians find great difficulty in gaining official tribal recognition. AAP

Recognition of Indigenous Australians – what does it mean?

Indigenous difference has been “recognised” in the public law and policy of the western settler states of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States since the earliest days of colonial government…

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