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Artikel-artikel mengenai Gas

Menampilkan 201 - 220 dari 260 artikel

Solar hot water may be green, but sometimes it can leave you out in the cold. Cold shower image from

Solar hot water giving you cold showers? Eight tips to warm you up

Solar hot water is an excellent way to heat up without adding to your electricity bill. Unfortunately, it seems Australians are not getting the most from their solar hot water systems.
Gas may no longer be the most economic way to heat your home. Hideya HAMANO/Flickr

It’s cold in my house and the price of gas is going up – what can I do?

Eastern Australia’s gas market is rapidly changing, driven by the first exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Queensland. And this is affecting the whole supply chain, from gas producers, to the way we use gas in our homes.
Increased oil and gas revenues amid lifted sanctions are set to raise Iran’s economic fortunes, which ease Middle Eastern tensions. EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh/AAP Image

Energy and economic diplomacy can trump the nuclear ‘threat’ of the Iran deal

Opponents of the Iran nuclear deal say it raises the nuclear weapons threat in the region. But Middle East tensions are actually likely to ease as Iran grows richer without being shackled by sanctions.
Australia likely has several decades of coal left in it yet. eyeweed/flickr

Four ways to boost Australia’s economy that can help the climate

Australia likely has decades of fossil fuels left to extract, export and burn. That could prove to be a problem if the world comes to an agreement on climate change. Here’s four ways to help the economy, and the climate.
Gas prices: are we being scammed? Calum Moy

Attacks on the Big Six over gas prices miss a key point

Following intense pressure from consumer groups, politicians and the media, the UK’s Big Six power companies have all announced price reductions on some of their gas tariffs. Cuts ranged from Npower’s…
A carbon tax could help lighten the flow out of these stacks. Shutterstock

A carbon tax: the green opportunity in cheaper oil

For most of the world’s large economies, the sharp decline in oil and energy prices is great news. Cheaper energy will help boost economic growth and is especially welcome for lower- and middle-income…

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