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Health—Analisis dan Komentar

A headache is not from your brain itself hurting, but it might mean some of the muscles, membranes and tissues surrounding the brain or its blood supply system could be hurting. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: what is a headache? Is it our brain hurting?

The brain itself can’t actually feel pain. It can’t sense damage to itself the way your finger can. We know this because people can have brain surgery while they are totally awake.
Excuse me! Photo by Natasha Kasim on Unsplash

Curious Kids: why are burps so loud?

As gas from your stomach comes up your food pipe, it makes the surface of the upper part of your oesophagus rattle and vibrate. It is a bit like windows that rattle during a windy storm.
It’s a good idea to wash your hands after you go to the toilet, after you blow your nose, before you help prepare food and before you eat. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Curious Kids: why do we need soap?

While we move soap around, it lifts up invisible oil that holds germs onto your hand.
Foxys Forest Manufacture/

Why we shouldn’t all be vegan

Looking after animals and saving the planet sounds like a good idea. But getting there is not as simple as a some people seem to imagine.
The practise of ‘mindful eating’ can help you maximize the pleasure from rich holiday foods, without eating too much. (Shutterstock)

10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday season

From going out dancing to choosing smaller plates, two nutrition researchers offer some tips for reaping the fun of the holidays without destroying your health.